3 Ways an Overland Park ADHD Evaluation Can Help Your Child During the Holiday
3 Ways an Overland Park ADHD Evaluation Can Help Your Child During the Holidays — After having your Overland Park ADHD evaluation and subsequent diagnosis, you will find there are many ways Dr. Tish can help you and your child. Dr. Tish is an expert on helping individuals deal with typical things that happen over time. Some of the struggles someone with ADHD might have would be how to cope with all the changes in their schedule during the holiday season.
After you have had ADHD testing in Overland Park you can count on Dr. Tish to help with lots of strategies for the season. Until then, here are a few general things you can do if you suspect you or your child has ADHD:
Overland Park ADHD evaluation — #1 Create a Calendar
The holiday season can be very hectic, especially when you’re having to juggle family obligations, get-togethers with friends, and work parties. A great way to stay organized is to jot down your events on a pocket calendar. Refer to and talk to your child about the upcoming dates regularly to prepare them for what’s coming.
Overland Park ADHD evaluation — #2 Prioritize Your Needs
The holidays really put pressure on people to feel as if they have to say yes to everyone and everything. To avoid feeling flooded by obligations, people with ADHD or awaiting results from an Overland Park ADHD evaluation should set limits for themselves. Try these:
- Do what you can this holiday season and don’t feel overwhelmed.
- Be choosy when making promises.
- Identify that your time, money, and energy are limited — and that’s true of everyone.
- Let go feelings of guilt this holiday.
- Remember that even though it’s the season of giving, you can still say no to things for which you don’t have time.
Overland Park ADHD evaluation — #3 Be Consistent With Your Sleep, Exercise, and Self-Care Routines
Taking care to wake up and go to bed at consistent times during the holiday is imperative with someone who has ADHD. Whether it is yourself or you are awaiting ADHD testing in Overland Park, remember to exercise regularly. Also, relax in other ways to stave off fatigue, bouts of anxiety, and foggy thinking. This can help you feel your best throughout the season — and make it easier to ease back into your typical routine afterward.
These are some of the typical ways people can use to cope with ADHD during the holidays or times of big changes. Of course, these are only generalities and to have a specific plan of care you will need to have a full Overland Park ADHD evaluation with Dr. Tish. After that, a personalized plan of care will be geared specifically to you or your child.

Overland Park ADHD evaluation
If you are struggling to find the right support for your child, contact me, Dr. Tish Taylor, Ph.D. I am a licensed child psychologist who specializes in Overland Park ADHD testing. My experience working in and with schools makes me a valuable resource for parents. I have a wide range of experience with diagnoses, including ADHD, dyslexia, executive functioning deficits, anxiety, mood, and behavior problems. I can also provide an autism assessment in Overland Park if that is where your concerns lie.

I utilize the latest research to create intervention methods to give your child and your family the support they need, including learning disability evaluations in Overland Park.
You can reach me at (913) 738-4177 or visit my website to learn more about the services I offer. You can also get in touch with me by filling out this contact form. I look forward to assisting you.

You can also receive guidance through my books focused on Fostering Connection and Parenting with ADHD. Click here to find out more about these publications and how they can be a major benefit to you and your child.
I also offer webinars focused on developing an intervention plan and how to get through to a child that struggles with listening. You can learn more about these two helpful classes by clicking here.