ADHD Testing in Overland Park: A Parent’s Guide to Facts, Diagnosis, and Therapy for Children and Teens
ADHD Testing in Overland Park: A Parent’s Guide to Facts, Diagnosis, and Therapy for Children and Teens — You instinctively protect, nurture, and provide for your child. This includes knowing when you need aid to find answers to help your child or teen. You’ve undoubtedly googled or heard of ADHD. ADHD is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. It’s usually initially observed in school, although it can continue to impair as an adult.
ADHD kids may struggle to focus and behave well at school, at home, and in the community. ADD, Hyperactive-Impulsive, and Combined Presentation are the three ADHD subtypes. Before discovering your diagnosis and where to treat it, you may need some clarity on a few areas.
First, there is no medical or psychological ADHD test. Due to this, a comprehensive evaluation is needed to diagnose ADHD and rule out alternative causes. Dr. Tish Taylor and ADHD testing in Overland Park can help you through this.

Statistics Regarding ADHD Testing in Overland Park
Next, ADHD prevalence statistics are useful. This can help you find skilled professionals. According to the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 9% of individuals aged 2–17 have ADHD, and the rate is rising. 2 out of 3 children have other diagnoses such anxiety, mood disorders, behavioral issues, or medical needs.
Why do you need to know these numbers? Knowing how often ADHD is diagnosed and misdiagnosed is crucial. Talk to ADHD specialists for diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy for your kid. Are you still confused? Set up an appointment with Dr. Tish to discuss it in more detail.

Find Skilled Professionals to Test and Treat Possible ADHD Symptoms
Discuss your concerns with the school, pediatrician, or counselor. These professionals can inform you if the same symptoms appear elsewhere, if they represent normal development, or if they are better explained by other circumstances or diseases.
After talking to others, contact ADHD-trained specialists. Doctors, developmental pediatricians, and other mental health specialists who understand ADHD can help. Clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists who test, diagnose, and treat ADHD are the best resources.
Why should you do these things? Clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists specialize in ADHD and brain development. To diagnose, they use cognitive or processing tests, evidence-based assessment, and clinical expertise. Clinical or neuropsychologists can be found locally. For Overland Park ADHD testing, look no farther than the offices of Dr. Tish. Your child’s doctors or therapists may also recommend clinical psychologists or neuropsychologists.

ADHD Testing in Overland Park
Find an ADHD specialist to evaluate your child with Overland Park ADHD testing. Dr. Tish commonly begins an Overland Park ADHD evaluation with an intake phase. This provides valuable information on your child’s environment and development.
Next, Dr. Tish will work with you and your child to understand how their brain processes, uses, and learns information. Then, you’ll learn how these patterns connect to their symptoms after their Overland Park ADHD testing. The caregivers complete symptom forms and a clinician interview during the assessment. The psychologist may also observe or interview other professionals.
Dr. Tish will examine your ADHD testing in Overland Park, as well as the statistics, and clinical knowledge to determine if your symptoms and history are typical of ADHD. She can also determine if they are more likely caused by another psychiatric, developmental, or physical issue. Parental input is crucial at this time. Ask questions and get information regarding diagnosis or factors.
Feedback appointments are the most valuable aspect of an Overland Park ADHD evaluation. These sessions usually occur following testing. Dr. Tish will assist you and your child so that you understand ADHD symptoms and get the help and resources you need, even if your child wasn’t diagnosed.
Your child’s symptoms, strengths, weaknesses, and home, community, and school recommendations will be included in a written report. Notifying the school and other providers is crucial. If you have questions, Dr. Tish can assist you.

If you are struggling to find the right support for your child, contact me, Dr. Tish Taylor, Ph.D. I am a licensed child psychologist who specializes in Overland Park ADHD testing. My experience working in and with schools makes me a valuable resource for parents. I have a wide range of experience with diagnoses, including ADHD, dyslexia, executive functioning deficits, anxiety, mood, and behavior problems. I can also provide an autism assessment in Overland Park if that is where your concerns lie.
I utilize the latest research to create intervention methods to give your child and your family the support they need, including learning disability evaluations in Overland Park.
You can reach me at (913) 738-4177 or visit my website to learn more about the services I offer. You can also get in touch with me by filling out this contact form. I look forward to assisting you.
You can also receive guidance through my books focused on Fostering Connection and Parenting with ADHD. Click here to find out more about these publications and how they can be a major benefit to you and your child.
I also offer webinars focused on developing an intervention plan and how to get through to a child that struggles with listening. You can learn more about these two helpful classes by clicking here.