Structure and Routine: Why It Matters to A Child With ADHD
Many people, including children, love a flexible environment and can thrive in life with little structure. This is not the case for parenting a child with ADHD. Structure and routine are essential, especially after your child has undergone ADHD testing in Overland Park and received a positive ADHD diagnosis.
I know how difficult it can be for parents to hear the news that their child has ADHD. It’s important to know that there are people out there like myself, Dr. Tish Taylor, Ph.D., who are here to help. Once you know that your child is dealing with ADHD, it is wise to educate yourself through an ADHD professional like myself or through ADHD parenting courses in Overland Park.
What is Structure?
Structure means having a predictable pattern for things. If your child has undergone ADHD evaluations in Overland Park and received a positive ADHD diagnosis, then structure is essential.
For instance, structure might mean creating certain times in the day in which you allow a choice of three healthy activities. This might include jumping on a trampoline, walking, or riding a bike. You are giving your child the structure to pick a healthy activity within a timeframe but still allowing them to have a choice in what they do.
Children with ADHD tend to struggle with regulating themselves. Thus, it is important to provide some structure to each task which will help them to maintain control better.
What is Routine?
Routine is following the same pattern every day so that your child is aware of your expectations. For example, every day when you get up, you brush your teeth and get dressed before breakfast. Or after school, you unload backpacks and get an hour of free time before starting homework. These are two examples of what a routine might look like for your child.
Having a consistent routine will allow your child to transition from activity to activity much easier.
Other Tips for a Parent or Caretaker
Give Praise
Find a moment in which your child is displaying great behavior and really shower them with praise. This will give them a good basis for what is expected.
Incorporate Exercise
Make sure there is plenty of time in the schedule for physical activity. Children, in general, need exercise, especially those who have gone through ADHD evaluations in Overland Park and received a positive ADHD diagnosis. They need this time to be able to improve their ability to function, concentrate, and focus on doing the tasks that are required.
Pick Your Battles
If you have a child that has undergone ADHD testing in Overland Park and received an ADHD diagnosis, you understand that managing their behavior can be a minute-by-minute experience. Nit-picking every behavior can prove exhausting to you and to your child. Pick a couple of your most significant items of importance and stick to disciplining these. Once the important things are addressed, then you can focus on other concerns.
When you work with me, Dr. Tish Taylor, Ph.D., I’ll provide thorough evaluations and parenting education services that will help your child succeed.
As a licensed child psychologist in Kansas City with years of experience in the school system, I understand the complexity that is ADHD. I offer a wide range of services from learning disability evaluations in Overland Park to ADHD evaluations and autism assessments in Overland Park.
Call me at (913) 738-4177 or visit my website to learn more about the many resources that could be available to you and your child. You can also fill out a fill out a contact form here and I will follow up with you soon.