Parenting Classes
Parenting Classes in Kansas City
Parenting Classes
Small group parent classes for ADHD are an excellent way to increase one’s understanding of how this disorder shows itself in day-to-day life. These classes focus on specific skills for parents, as well as provide support and suggestions for one’s particular situation. Developing a deeper understanding of everyday functioning and strategies for intervention are included in all sessions. Courses run for 8 weeks.
What’s Included
- Collection of individual needs to include within course
- 8 one-hour small group parent sessions via video conferencing
- Materials to accompany sessions
- Ability to have individual questions answered that are specific to your child and situation
Topics that will be addressed

Late Again?
This session will address issues surrounding time management, completing work on time, personal time management, and leaving the house on time.

I cannot find it!
This session will address issues of organization, including organization with homework, turning in homework, room organization, and strategies for keeping track of belongings.

The Volcano Erupts
Many individuals with ADHD have difficulty with emotional regulation. They are often quickly upset, react to situations in a larger fashion than most would, and have a difficult time recovering once upset. This session will address these issues and accompanying strategies.

Stressed Out
Often due to difficulties with organization and time management, stress and feelings of being overwhelmed are frequently present. This session will address the lack of motivation until a deadline is imminent, procrastination, and managing stress and anxiety.

Their middle name is “No!”
Many times, individuals with ADHD have an accompanying Oppositional Defiant Disorder diagnosis or have more difficulties with compliance, following directions, and transitioning in and out of preferred activities. Video gaming and screens are often a large issue. This session will address these issues.

Where is the Motivation?
Why can’t I seem to motivate my child to do what is needed and important? Why are they not motivated to do so themselves? We will address strategies for motivation, values clarification, and managing behaviors around motivation.

Social Blunders or Omissions
There are varying personalities and temperaments in regard to socialization and friendships. However, managing friendships, catching subtle social cues, and navigating the social world is often confusing and overwhelming. This session covers why the child or adolescent with ADHD may struggle in this area and accompanying strategies.

How do I navigate the educational system?
Many parents seek assistance with knowing how to have the school or teachers help their child in an effective manner. At times, getting the school to see that there may be more issues than misbehavior is also an issue. This session will address ways to work with the school and using more effective communication to help your child get what they need.
Which class is right for me?
Book a group class if…
You would like to learn more strategies to help your child and your family
Know that you need more help with managing ADHD in your home
Would like the camaraderie provided in a small group setting
Book a one-on-one session if…
If you would like to learn more strategies to help your child and family
Would like to discuss very specific issues related to your child and your situation