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ADHD evaluations in Kansas City

Considering an ADHD evaluation?

You should consider an ADHD evaluation if you are…

  • Unsure of how to intervene or discipline your child because of possible ADHD traits.
  • Unsure of a specific course of treatment because of possible ADHD traits.
  • Seeking assistance with educational planning.
  • Seeking assistance with behavioral management.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder can be difficult for parents and teachers, but even more so for the child or adolescent with the condition.

ADHD evaluations are conducted to acquire detailed information from the child, parents, and teachers or other professionals concerned, prior to making a diagnosis. Additional areas related to ADHD, such as Executive Functioning issues, are also evaluated.

ADHD evaluations and diagnoses are made in accordance with the criteria published by the American Psychiatric Association in their Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


In order for an individual to be diagnosed, they need to have a number of signs and symptoms under categories such as “inattention” and “hyperactivity and impulsivity.” These are uncovered during the ADHD evaluations that I conduct.


When completing ADHD evaluations, I will take the following common behaviors into consideration:

  • Showing a lack of attention to detail
  • Making careless mistakes
  • Not listening or following instructions
  • Difficulty during task organization
  • Becoming easily distracted
  • Exhibiting impulsive behavior
  • Exhibiting hyperactivity
  • Difficulty sustaining attention for extended periods
  • Avoiding tasks requiring concentration
  • Failing to finish tasks and schoolwork
  • Losing or “misplacing” items
  • Forgetfulness
  • Fidgeting, disrupting class, and being very active
  • Difficulty with “quiet time”
  • Talking a lot and out of turn
  • Interrupting others

Executive Functioning

When considering aspects of Executive Functioning, I will take the following behaviors into consideration:

  • Motivation
  • Time management
  • Emotional regulation
  • Information processing
  • Prioritizing tasks


Once the ADHD evaluation is completed, it is easier to look at feasible intervention options and to understand whether the expectations placed on the child concerned are realistic under the circumstances.

How it works

Step 1

ADHD evaluations are commonly a two-hour evaluation appointment where many forms of data are collected.

Step 2

A followup session is scheduled at the time of the evaluation, where results are reviewed, specific intervention recommendations are discussed, and a clinical report is provided.

Contact me today to schedule an ADHD evaluation appointment in Kansas City
