
This course will assist parents in understanding treatment options for ADHD as well as more successfully gaining needed support options. | Navigating Treatments Options for ADHD: ADHD Parenting Course Module 7
This course will revisit aspects of ADHD to help you recognize how these traits impact social interactions as well as learn tools to improve your child’s socialization. It will also juxtapose ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders and help you determine the difference or if there is a co-occurring disorder. | Social Challenges, Social Problem Solving, and Autism Spectrum Disorders: ADHD Parenting Course Module 6
In this course, you will learn different perspectives around motivation as well as approaches and strategies to increase motivation where and when it is needed. | Motivation and ADHD: ADHD Parenting Course Module 5
This course will help in recognizing features of oppositionality, as well as understanding the likely causes within your child, and it will assist with parenting decisions and responses. | Their Middle Name is “No!”: ADHD Parenting Course Module 4
Parents who can identify issues with their child's emotional regulation can manage their own response and apply helpful strategies. | The Volcano Erupts (Issues around Emotional Dysregulation): ADHD Parenting Course Module 3
This course addresses issues related to time management, prioritization and planning, and organization specifically to executive functioning challenges. | Late Again? (And Other Issues of Personal Organization and Time Management): Parenting Course Module 2
This course helps you to identify your child’s specific ADHD traits and their severity, and to consider how they impact family life. It includes exercises that assist with clarifying family values and solidifying your goals, all of which will allow you to proceed with clearer decision-making when parenting. | Understanding and Managing ADHD: Parenting Course Module 1
#ADHD, #Oppositional Defiant Disorder, #parenting, #parenting help | Why Won’t My Child Listen?
Welcome to this professionally supported online course for parenting ADHD. This 4 week session meets weekly on Fridays from 12 – 1 PM CST between October 9th – October 30th, 2020 on zoom. This is a professionally supported online coaching course for parenting ADHD. This 4 week session meets weekly on Fridays from 12 – … Continued | Parenting ADHD: Small Group Coaching Course