Exercise and ADHD
An interesting study was completed by researchers at the University of Vermont and Michigan State University which was published in the Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology in 2017. The study sought to determine if there is a link between being aerobically fit and a reduction of ADHD symptoms in young children. Researchers studied a group of young children at risk for ADHD and a group of typically developing young children while presenting them with evaluations of physical fitness and tests requiring inhibition (lower impulsivity). What was found was that those young children who experienced higher levels of aerobic activity and fitness demonstrated less impulsivity. This speaks to potential advantages for maintaining consistent aerobic fitness for young children, especially those at risk for ADHD.
Brassell, A.A., Shoulberg, E.K., Pontifex, M.B., Smith, A.L., Delli Paoli, A.G. & Hoza, B. (2017). Aerobic fitness and inhibition in young children: Moderating roles of ADHD status and age. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46, 646-652.