Apps for ADHD and Executive Functioning
As the school year begins, it is most certainly helpful to begin utilizing organized routines and strategies for managing schedules and to do lists. Even those tasks that are basic to everyday life such as getting ready on time for school, leaving on time for an event, or completing homework on time. The following apps may be helpful tools for you to utilize with your child or adolescent. I would recommend testing them out yourself first or watching product reviews so as to determine what will be helpful for your situation.
Apps for younger children:
Brili Routines: provides visual and audible reminders for individual task completion including with routine tasks; for more information go to https://brili.com/
Time Timer: this app provides a visual timer with a red background that gradually fades as time is running out; for more information go to https://www.timetimer.com/
Apps for older children and adolescents:
Due: create an ongoing “to do” list with this app; it provides reminders and a quick and easy visual screen for what needs to be completed; for more information go to http://www.dueapp.com/
Evernote: this app allows for note taking, thought organization, and list making; for more information go to https://evernote.com/
Priority Matrix: this app provides an easy organizational and visual presentation for tasks and items to be completed; it allows for prioritization as well as determining how much effort tasks will take; for more information to https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/priority-matrix-manage-effectively/id409077093?mt=8
Apps for younger children:
Brili Routines: provides visual and audible reminders for individual task completion including with routine tasks; for more information go to https://brili.com/
Time Timer: this app provides a visual timer with a red background that gradually fades as time is running out; for more information go to https://www.timetimer.com/
Apps for older children and adolescents:
Due: create an ongoing “to do” list with this app; it provides reminders and a quick and easy visual screen for what needs to be completed; for more information go to http://www.dueapp.com/
Evernote: this app allows for note taking, thought organization, and list making; for more information go to https://evernote.com/
Priority Matrix: this app provides an easy organizational and visual presentation for tasks and items to be completed; it allows for prioritization as well as determining how much effort tasks will take; for more information to https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/priority-matrix-manage-effectively/id409077093?mt=8