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dyslexia treatment & evaluations in Kansas City

Considering a Learning Disability or Dyslexia evaluation?

You may be right for this evaluation if you are…

  • Unsure of how to intervene at home or school because of weaker academic skills.
  • Unsure of a specific course of treatment because of a possible learning disability.
  • Seeking assistance with educational planning, accommodations or interventions.
  • Unsure what you are doing is helping.

Learning Disability Evaluations

When completing Learning Disability evaluations, the following common behaviors are taken into consideration:

  • Specific development in major areas of academic development
  • Specific developmental reading, math, and written language skill levels
  • Basic expressive and receptive language skills
  • Cognitive processes such as working memory, processing speed, executive functioning, verbal and nonverbal learning abilities
  • Signs and symptoms of Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia

How it works

Step 1

Learning Disability evaluations in Kansas City at my Leawood or Lawrence office are commonly a four to five hour evaluation session where many forms of data are collected. Most of this time is spent in individual testing with the child, adolescent, or adult.

Step 2

A followup session is scheduled at the time of the evaluation, where results are reviewed, specific intervention recommendations are discussed, and a clinical report is provided.

Contact me today to schedule an appointment for a learning disability or dyslexia evaluation in Kansas City
